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作者:匿名 发布时间:2002-12-25 来源:代码实验室
这个Whois类中只有一个方法,通过这个方法可以对几乎所有的domain name进行查询,并将查询结果返回。但对于新的domain name例如:.tv,.info,.biz等还不支持。




* ?Sloppycode.net All rights reserved.

* This is a standard copyright header for all source code appearing

* at sloppycode.net. This application/class/script may be redistributed,

* as long as the above copyright remains intact.

* Comments to sloppycode@sloppycode.net



* @title Whois wrapper for most global TLDs

* @author C.Small

* @version 1.4 - Timeout and whois_server properties added.

* @version 1.3 - Temporary fix for .name,.pro domains

* @version 1.2 - Error catching for .tv domains

* @version 1.1 - Converted to php

* @version 1.0 - Perl version [http://www.sloppycode.net/sloppycode/Perl[CGI]/s29.html]


Class Whois


var $whois_server;

var $timeout = 30;

function lookup($domain)


$result = "";

$parts = array();

$host = "";

// .tv don't allow access to their whois

if (strstr($domain,".tv"))


$result = "'.tv' domain names require you to have an account to do whois searches.";

// New domains fix (half work, half don't)

} elseif (strstr($domain,".name") || strstr($domain,".pro") >0){

$result = ".name,.pro require you to have an account to do whois searches.";

} else{

if (empty($this->whois_server))


$parts = explode(".",$domain);

$testhost = $parts[sizeof($parts)-1];

$whoisserver = $testhost . ".whois-servers.net";

$this->host = gethostbyname($whoisserver);

$this->host = gethostbyaddr($this->host);

if ($this->host == $testhost)


$this->host = "whois.internic.net";




$whoisSocket = fsockopen($this->host,43, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);

if ($whoisSocket)


fputs($whoisSocket, $domain."1512");

while (!feof($whoisSocket))


$result .= fgets($whoisSocket,128) . "<br>";





return $result;







$whois = new Whois();

echo $whois->lookup("code-labs.com");


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