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作者: 发布时间:2005-03-12 来源:
function makechart(title, numarray, labelarray, color, bgcolor, bordersize, maxheight, maxwidth, addvalues)
'Function makechart version 3

'Jason Borovoy
'title: Chart Title
'numarray: An array of values for the chart
'labelarray: An array of labels coresponding to the values must me present
'color If null uses different colors for bars if not null all bars color you specify
'bgcolor Background color.
'bordersize: border size or 0 for no border.
'maxheight: maximum height for chart not including labels
'maxwidth: width of each column
'addvalues: true or false depending if you want the actual values shown on the chart
'when you call the function use : response.write makechart(parameters)

'actually returnstring would be a better name
dim tablestring
'max value is maximum table value
dim max
'maxlength maximum length of labels
dim maxlength
dim tempnumarray
dim templabelarray
dim heightarray
Dim colorarray
'value to multiplie chart values by to get relitive size
Dim multiplier
'if data valid
if maxheight > 0 and maxwidth > 0 and ubound(labelarray) = ubound(numarray) then
  'colorarray: color of each bars if more bars then colors loop through
  'if you don't like my choices change them, add them, delete them.
  colorarray = array("red","blue","yellow","navy","orange","purple","green")
  templabelarray = labelarray
  tempnumarray = numarray
  heightarray = array()
  max = 0
  maxlength = 0
  tablestring = "<TABLE bgcolor='" & bgcolor & "' border='" & bordersize & "'>" & _
    "<tr><td><TABLE border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='0'>" & vbCrLf
  'get maximum value
  for each stuff in tempnumarray
   if stuff > max then max = stuff end if
  'calculate multiplier
  multiplier = maxheight/max
  'populate array
  for counter = 0 to ubound(tempnumarray)
   if tempnumarray(counter) = max then
    redim preserve heightarray(counter)
    heightarray(counter) = maxheight
    redim preserve heightarray(counter)
    heightarray(counter) = tempnumarray(counter) * multiplier
   end if

   'set title
   tablestring = tablestring & "<TR><TH colspan='" & ubound(tempnumarray)+1 & "'>" & _
     "<FONT FACE='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica' SIZE='1'><U>" & title & "</TH></TR>" & _
      vbCrLf & "<TR>" & vbCrLf
   'loop through values
   for counter = 0 to ubound(tempnumarray)
    tablestring = tablestring & vbTab & "<TD valign='bottom' align='center' >" & _
    "<FONT FACE='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica' SIZE='1'>" & _
    "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='" & maxwidth & "'><tr>" & _
    "<tr><td valign='bottom' bgcolor='"
    if not isNUll(color) then
     'if color present use that color for bars
     tablestring = tablestring & color
     'if not loop through colorarray
     tablestring = tablestring & colorarray(counter mod (ubound(colorarray)+1))
    end if
    tablestring = tablestring & "' height='" & _
     round(heightarray(counter),2) & "'><img src='chart.gif' width='1' height='1'>" & _
    if addvalues then
     'print actual values
     tablestring = tablestring & "<BR>" & tempnumarray(counter)
    end if
    tablestring = tablestring & "</TD>" & vbCrLf

  tablestring = tablestring & "</TR>" & vbCrLf
  'calculate max lenght of labels
  for each stuff in labelarray
   if len(stuff) >= maxlength then maxlength = len(stuff)
  'print labels and set each to maxlength
  for each stuff in labelarray
   tablestring = tablestring & vbTab & "<TD align='center'><" & _
    "FONT FACE='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica' SIZE='1'><B> "
   for count = 0 to round((maxlength - len(stuff))/2)
    tablestring = tablestring & " "
   if maxlength mod 2 <> 0 then tablestring = tablestring & " "
   tablestring = tablestring & stuff
   for count = 0 to round((maxlength - len(stuff))/2)
    tablestring = tablestring & " "
   tablestring = tablestring & " </TD>" & vbCrLf
  tablestring = tablestring & "</TABLE></td></tr></table>" & vbCrLf
  makechart = tablestring
  Response.Write "Error Function Makechart: maxwidth and maxlength have to be greater " & _
  " then 0 or number of labels not equal to number of values"
end if
end function

dim stuff
dim labelstuff
' Demo 1
stuff = Array(5,30)
labelstuff = Array("北京", "广州")
Response.Write makechart("Demo 1", stuff, labelstuff, null, "gold",10, 50,40,true)

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