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作者:东方蜘蛛(转) 发布时间:2005-03-12 来源:chinaasp.com
Deleting a Subset of Session Variables

When using Sessions to store variables in, I use a naming convention - for example, for all Customer related info I prefix the session variable with the substring Customer. (so for the CustomerID it would be Customer.ID, the customer username would be Customer.Name, etc.) This is very useful when viewing the session objects as you can see the related objects straight off.

The problem I had the other day was that I wanted to remove only those items from the Session which were prefixed SW.. So first off I used the following code:

Session("SW.1")="Test 1"
Session("SW.2")="Test 2"

For Each SessionItem in Session.Contents
If Left(SessionItem,3) = "SW." then
end if

This seems fine, but when it's run, what happens is that SW.1 is removed, but SW.2 is NOT removed. Why? I'm not exactly sure, but I guess that the index is then reset so that SW.2 is now where SW.1 was, and seeing as we have iterated past that item in the For Each...Next statement, the loop just moves to Other, missing out SW.2 altogether! Eek!

So to get round this I wrote the following function, which will properly delete all Session variables that begin with a specified substring:

function SessionRemoveSelected(sItemPrefix)
' Remove Selected Items starting with sItemPrefix
' from the Session. e.g. SS. will remove SS.ID and
' SS.NAME but not CustomerID Returns True or False
' depending on whether any items where removed.
' sItemPrefix [string] : Item Prefix
dim arySession()
dim lCount, lPrefixLength
dim SessionItem
dim blnResult

lCount = -1
lPrefixLength = len(sItemPrefix)
blnResult = false

' temporarily store in array items to remove
For Each SessionItem in Session.Contents
if left(SessionItem,lPrefixLength) = sItemPrefix then
lCount = lCount + 1
redim preserve arySession(lCount)
arySession(lCount) = SessionItem
end if

' remove items
if IsArray(arySession)and lCount >= 0 then
for lCount = LBound(arySession) to UBound(arySession)
end if

SessionRemoveSelected = blnResult
end function

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