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作者:blood 发布时间:2005-03-12 来源:开发者俱乐部
using System;

/* The reason that i am using interface is that, in several
* weeks i will use a bitwise operator for have encryption and decryption
* */
public interface IBindesh
string encode(string str);
string decode(string str);

namespace EncryptionDecryption
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for EncryptionDecryption.
/// </summary>
public class EncryptionDecryption : IBindesh
public string encode(string str)
string htext = ""; // blank text

for ( int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
htext = htext + (char) (str[i] + 10 - 1 * 2);
return htext;

public string decode(string str)
string dtext = "";

for ( int i=0; i < str.Length; i++)
dtext = dtext + (char) (str[i] - 10 + 1*2);
return dtext;

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